Basilica of St.Martin and Oswald, Weingarten (Württemberg). Holy altars in the side aisles Benedictine altar with altar leaf “St. Benedict, St. Scholastica and Our Lady ”by Giulio Benso

<a href="" title="via Wikimedia Commons" target="_blank">Giulio BensoPhoto: Andreas Praefcke</a> / Public domain

St. Benedict, St. Scholastica and Our Lady - by Giulio Benso

Basilica of St.Martin and Oswald, Weingarten (Württemberg). Holy altars in the side aisles Benedictine altar with altar leaf “St. Benedict, St. Scholastica and Our Lady ”by Giulio Benso

Giulio BensoPhoto: Andreas Praefcke / Public domain

Added to Scholastica and categorized in 4 years ago

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