
A Catholic Online Directory

Kalender Para Kudus

16 November

Eucherius dari Lyon
Eucherius of Lyon, Eucherius bishop of Lyon

16 November

Hits : 9241
Gertrude the Great

Santa Getrudis

Getrudis Agung, Gertrudis Helfta, Gertrude of Helfta, Gertud von Helfta, Geltrude

16 November

Hits : 16161
Gratia Cattaro
Gratia of Kotor, Gratia of Cattaro, Gracija of Cattaro, Gratia of Kotor, Grazia of Cattaro

9 November 16 November (pada beberapa Kalender) 22 Desember (pada beberapa Kalender)

Hits : 19464
Margaret of Scotland
Margaretha dari Wessex, Queen Margareth of Scotland

16 November

Hits : 28105
Othmar of St. Gallen

Santo Othmar

Othmar of Saint Gall

16 November

Hits : 8523

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