
A Catholic Online Directory

Kalender Para Kudus

26 November

Konradus dari Konstanz
Conrad of Constance, Konrad Von Konstanz

26 November

Hits : 6686
Silvester Gozzolini
Pendiri Ordo Benediktin Silvestrine (OSB.Silv)

26 November

Hits : 8013
Yakobus Alberione
Giacomo Alberione, James Alberione
Founder of the Society of St.Paul, The Daughters of St.Paul, The Pious Disciples of the Divine Master,
The Sister of Jesus the Good Shepherd, The Sisters of Mary Queen of the Apostles, and other religious institutes, which form the Pauline Family

26 November

Hits : 7936
Yohanes Berchmans
Kesucian dari kesederhanaan dan kerendahan hati

26 November

Hits : 12844

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