
A Catholic Online Directory

Items tagged with: Ratu

Santa Adelaide

Santa Adelaide

Adelaide of Italy, Adelheid of Burgundy, Adelaide di Borgogna
Queen of Italy, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire

16 Desember

Hits : 32756

Santa Bathildis

Batilda de Ascania, Regina di Neustria, Bathilde Reine de France, Bathilde femme de Clovis II

30 januari

Hits : 11710

Beata Eleanora

Eleanor of Provence, Eleanora Ratu Inggris

21 Februari

Hits : 33567
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Elizabeth of Thuringia, Elisabeth von Thüringen

17 November

Hits : 25018
Elizabeth dari Portugal
Isabel Regina, Isabella of Portugal, Isabela de Portugal, Isabel de Aragão, Elizabeth of Aragon, The Peacemaker

04 Juli

Hits : 13756

Beata Gisela

Ratu Hungaria, Gisella of Hungary, Gisella of Ungarn

7 Mei

Hits : 19678
Saint Helena

Santa Helena

Elene, Helen, Flavia Julia Helena Augusta

18 Agustus (Gereja Barat) 21 Mei (Gereja Timur)

Hits : 29448
Jane Valois
Jéhanne de France, Jeanne de Valois, Joan of France, Joan of Valois, Queen Jane, Queen Joanna

04 Februari

Hits : 14598

Santa Kunigunde

Santa Cunigunde of Luxembourg, Ratu Kekaisaran Romawi Suci

3 Maret

Hits : 11310
Margaret of Scotland
Margaretha dari Wessex, Queen Margareth of Scotland

16 November

Hits : 27990

Santa Matilda

Matilda of Saxony, Matilda of Ringelheim Matilda, Queen of Germany

14 Maret

Hits : 18626

Santa Olga

Olga dari Kiev, The First Christian Queen of Ukraine, Olga Prekrasa Olga the Beauty

11 Juli

Hits : 13471

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